Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Online Productivity Tools

There has been quite a buzz in the genealogical community about "cloud computing" which is usually interpreted by non-techies like myself to encompass such things a online data storage. This is especially pertinent to genealogists who generate and store huge amounts of data. The horror stories of data loss have prompted many to find online solutions which include things like Google Docs.

I like the idea of these online tools. The Google calendar, especially, would save me a great deal of worry about not having entered stuff from my work calendar into my home calendar and vice versa. I also like the idea of being able to access my presentations and documents from any computer. I could see myself using any of these applications.

My reservations are probably similar to those of many of my "generational cohort" to put it kindly. I am slightly concerned about putting data online. This is especially true of work related information but also, to an extent, to my personal information. I am certain that this will be overcome in time.

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